Of Schemes and Memes Blog

A new look and a new home – introducing SpotOn events!

Today we’re thrilled to launch the SpotOn website! A new home for conversations about how science is carried out and communicated online, hosted by Nature Publishing Group.

SpotOn is the new umbrella name for the annual Science Online London conference and the monthly Science Online NYC events which will now be called SpotOn London and SpotOn NYC respectively. The hashtags for these events will remain  #solo12 and #sonyc.

If you’ve already purchased your ticket for Science Online London 2012, this will be valid whether you’ve used the old version of the Eventbrite page or the updated version. Do get in touch though if you have any questions [spoton@nature.com].

SpotOn stands for Science Policy, Outreach and Tools Online and reflects the three discussion strands that run through the events in London and NYC which are:

i)                    science communication and outreach

ii)                   online tools and digital publishing

iii)                  science policy

This site will provide details of all of the SpotOn events as well as bringing together the livestream archives, Storify storyboards, blog coverage and more around these discussions. We hope the site will be a useful community resource and that you’ll enjoy the content here and will be keen to contribute to it. Why not check out the archives for each location or search the site by the three topic areas to find information of interest to you? If you have ideas about what else you’d like to see, including how to post on the blog, do get in touch [spoton@nature.com].

The SpotOn events are part of our commitment to supporting ongoing discussions about these important and rapidly evolving subject areas; it’s one of our core values to play an active and supportive role in the online science community. Our co-organisers, sponsors, attendees and wider communities are essential in making SpotOn events what they are today. We look forward to continuing these friendships and collaborations under our new name and at our new online home.

Do join us in spreading the word about the new website and our new name and follow uson Twitter: @SpotOnNYC, @SpotOnLondon  and on Facebook: SpotOnNYC, SpotOnLondon.

Hope to see you at SpotOn London in November or at the next SpotOn NYC event!


  1. Lou Woodley said:

    If you’d like to find out more about the forthcoming SpotOn London conference, the blog posts with details of the programme’s three tracks are now up.

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